Computer Archive
As we all use different software’s and applications to block websites which we don’t need publicly. There is a alternate tip for blocking the websites without any softwares. Just all you have to do is to edit a file in windows. For that follow these steps given
The main problem we face regularly when we use a computer is: System hangs or freezes most of the times. Most of us will do a system reset or restart when system hangs because we dont have any other option. The main problem with this Reset is
This Tutorial is to speed up your windows 7 with very easy steps and the best thing is that it has been tested and its working awesome. I will guide you through simple steps which you can apply easily. 1. Open start menu and type MSCONFIG in
As i have observed from many people that they think that there computer IP address and Internet IP are Same.But the Fact is that they are both different.If you are on a Home Network or a Work Network and using a switch then your computer NIC is
Adeona is the first Open Source system for tracking the location of your lost or stolen laptopcentral service. that does not rely on a proprietary, Adeona is available for Windows and MAC platform. You just have to download the software from their official website or from the